
Jewish Peoplehood
Photo: AP

A.B. Yehosuha to speak at Jewish conference

Renowned author to address topics of Jewish Peoplehood, anti-Semitism at Shalom Hartman Institute's conference next week

Renowned Israeli author A.B. Yehoshua will be speaking in the public portion of the Shalom Hartman Institute's International Philosophy Conference next week.


The lecture, which will be in English and is open to the public, will be held on Tuesday, June 21st, 2011, at 8 pm. In his lecture, Yehoshua will address the topics of Jewish Peoplehood and anti-Semitism.


The 24's annual conference will be bringing together some 40 Israeli and global researchers and this year will focus on the question of Peoplehood. Participants will address the definition of "Jewish People" and look into the main characteristics and uniqueness of the Jewish nation.


The conference will also address the relationship between Israeli Jews and Jews living abroad.

"The Shalom Hartman Institute Philosophy Conference brings together leading philosophers for an intense dialogue between Jewish tradition and the modern intellectual world," says the Institute's President Donniel Hartman.


"Drawing upon the sources of Jewish thought and general philosophy, the conference provides an interdisciplinary intellectual interchange that enriches both traditions…participants will be called upon to deal with contemporary moral and political issues facing the Jewish people and the world-at-large," he said.


פרסום ראשון: 06.16.11, 17:51
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