
'Non-violent protest' (archive)
Photo: Reuters

Thousands march for Palestine in Jerusalem

Israeli, Palestinian activists march along line that divided Jerusalem in 1967, call for establishment of Palestinian state. Organizers say they will not resort to violence

Some 2,000 people are taking part in a march for the independence of Palestine in east Jerusalem. The organizers of the event have stressed they will not resort to violence. Police forces are deployed in the area.



The march, initiated by the Sheikh Jarrah Solidarity movement kicked off at the Old's City's Jaffa Gate and is slated to end up at the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, where several speeches will be made. Protestors are chanting anti-occupation slogans such as "Shiekh Jarrah and Bilin, free Palestine."


Protesters leave Jaffa Gate (Photo: Gil Yohanan)


Hillel Ben Sasson, an activist with the movement, said: "Bibi is not just a peace refusenik but a peace manipulator. The right step is recognition of a Palestinian state at the UN. We have come to prove that Jews and Muslims can march together in east Jerusalem for a better future."


MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) also joined protesters, and said "the struggle for Palestinian independence is for the future of this country. The government of Israel continues to take unilateral steps, building settlements and refusing to freeze construction. The Palestinians have come to realize they cannot sit idle while this is taking place.


"Proceeding to a Palestinian state based on '67 borders is the right step and is compatible with the interests of Israel," he said.


On Thursday, Arab League Secretary-General Nabil al-Arabi said that the pan-Arab body has decided to appeal to the United Nations and submit an official request for the recognition of Palestinian as a full member-nation in the UN.



פרסום ראשון: 07.15.11, 15:13
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