
Riots in the UK
Photo: MCT
Torch protest in Jerusalem
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Students: UK riots should serve as a warning to Netanyahu

Student Union stresses that 'as long as we are part of the social protest's leadership, the struggle will remain non-violent'

Riots in the UK should serve as a "warning sign" to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, members of the Student Union said on Wednesday.


"The warning pertains to a protest that could spin out of control, and what can happen if the public here realizes that the dialogue with it is not sincere. It could lead to more rage that builds up inside."



However, the students stressed that "as long as we are part of the social protest's leadership, the struggle will remain non-violent."


Heads of the protest tent on Rothschild Blvd. in Tel Aviv, however, said that there was no chance that such riots would take place in Israel. "The protest in Israel is civic in nature; all Israeli citizens are part of it. We are together in the struggle to change the system. We are not violent, crazy or fanatic. We are the sane majority."


On Wednesday, British Prime Minister David Cameron insisted Britain will not allow a culture of fear to take over the streets, saying police have drawn up contingency plans to use water cannons if necessary.

"We will do whatever is necessary to restore law and order onto our streets," Cameron said in a somber televised statement. "Nothing is off the table."


Cameron has already recalled Parliament from its summer recess for an emergency debate on the riots Thursday.


Thousands of extra police officers on the streets kept a nervous London quiet Tuesday night after three nights of rioting, but looting flared in Manchester and Birmingham, where a murder probe was opened when three men were killed after being hit by a car.


AP contributed to the report



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