
Residents prepare for resignation
Photo: Ben Kelmer
PM Benjamin Netanyahu - receiving private care?
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Health crisis: Residents seek Netanyahu's intervention

Less than day before mass resignation of over 700 residents comes into effect they are left wondering – where is the prime minister?

Less than a day before the resignation letters of hundreds of doctors come into effect, medical residents are left wondering how it is that a major national crisis has yet to receive any response from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is also the de facto health minister.


No solution has been presented at the end of yet another meeting between the Treasury, the Health Ministry, the Medical Association and the residents. The deliberations continue, but time is short and on Monday afternoon the Jerusalem Labor Court will hold a hearing on the impending resignation crisis.


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"If less than 24 hours before the mass resignation the prime minister has chosen not to intervene it only shows how little he needs the public health system as he receives private care," medical resident Michal Frenkel claimed.


She believes that unlike the prime minister "those hundreds of thousands of people who cannot afford private care need us in the system."


The resignation of 734 doctors – mostly residents – which will come into force on Tuesday morning, comes in response to the wage agreement with the treasury which the doctors see as unsatisfactory and a threat to the collapsing heath system.




פרסום ראשון: 10.03.11, 14:55
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