
Photo: AP
Photo: AP
'Saudi' hacker 'OxOmar'

Israeli hacker leaks Saudi credit card details

One of hackers belonging to Israeli group that obtained credit card details of hundreds of Arabs decides to publish information on his own to to 'create deterrence' following cyber attack on Israeli websites

After Israeli hackers told Ynet they had obtained the details of thousands of credit cards used to purchase goods on Saudi websites, a list containing the personal information of hundreds of people was published online Tuesday night.


The list, posted by an Israeli who identified himself as "Omer Cohen," reveals the personal information – including email addresses, phone numbers and credit card details – mostly of Saudi citizens, but there are also a number of Syrian, Indian, Egyptian and US citizens on the list.


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The Israeli hackers said they launched the cyber attack in retaliation for the publication of credit card details belonging to more than 20,000 Israelis by "OxOmar," a resident of Mexico who claimed to have operated from Saudi Arabia.


הרשימה שפורסמה הערב. שמות, מיילים ופרטי אשראי

List with Saudis' personal information 


The group of hackers said it was not responsible for the publication of the details and that "Omer Cohen," who also refers to himself as "OxOmer," acted alone.


The Israeli hacker who leaked the details online told Ynet he was a soldier in the IDF's Intelligence Corps and that he does not anticipate a cyber war between Israeli and Arab hackers.


"Dozens of Israeli websites are attacked every day," he said, adding that he respects the group of hackers he belongs to but disagreed with its decision to postpone the publication of the stolen information.


"I believe the information should be published as soon as it is obtained," he said. "The responses to the (cyber attack on Israeli websites) were too moderate."


The hacker said he was sorry if any innocent people were hurt by his actions, adding that his only goal was to "create deterrence."


Earlier Tuesday, a top Saudi banking official denied an Israeli media report that hackers from Israel obtained credit card and bank account details of thousands of Saudi citizens.


Talaat Hafez, secretary-general of the media office in the kingdom's banking authority, denied a report that Israeli hackers were threatening to release the financial information they obtained if hackers continue to publish Israeli credit details on line.


Roi Kais, AP contributed to the report



פרסום ראשון: 01.10.12, 22:12
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