
New Year celebrations
Photo: AFP

Philippines: Blast reported near synagogue

No injuries reported in Manila explosion which may be related to Chinese Ney Year celebrations

A minor blast was heard near a synagogue in Manila, the capital of the Philippines, Israelis residing in the city reported. Israel's Foreign Ministry confirmed the report.


No injuries were reported and it is yet unclear what caused the explosion. Damage was caused to one vehicle, and windows of nearby houses were shattered.


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Yisrael, a Chabad man residing in Manila reported hearing the blast which according to local media occurred at 8 am Israel time. He noted the explosion may be related to the Chinese New Year celebrated in the Philippines on Monday.


"I realized it must not be connected to the synagogue," Yiftach Vaknin told Ynet. "The vehicle was parked in an open area, a secluded parking area several hundred meters from the synagogue. I didn’t hear of any casualties and it doesn't look like a terror attack."


The blast occurred a week after a Hezbollah member was arrested in Thailand for allegedly planning to hit Israeli and US targets in the country. Local authorities found bomb-material allegedly meant to be used in terror attacks. They were acting on information relayed to Thailand by Israel.


Initial information was received via the Red Mail




פרסום ראשון: 01.23.12, 12:24
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