
Neve Yaakov
Photo: Ofer Amram
Staff reading reports of abuse
Photo: Ofer Amram

Health Ministry to close down Neve Yaakov facility

Following exposure of abuse scandal Health Ministry looking for alternative accommodation for 155 patients

The Health Ministry has decided to close a medical facility a day after police detained for questioning 75 of the Neve Yaakov institute's staff on suspicion they physically, mentally and sexually abused mentally disabled patients.


"In light of investigation findings, the ministry is set to implement a plan to close the facility and find alternative accommodation for the patients," a statement said.


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The government is currently looking for facilities that would take 155 patients and will then close Neve Yaakov.


Health Ministry Director-General Prof. Ronni Gamzu issued a memorandum to all health officials stating that "any person admitted in a psychiatric or geriatric ward should be considered 'helpless.'"

נווה יעקב - ביום שאחרי חשיפת הפרשה (צילום: עופר עמרם)

Neve Yaakov facility in Petah Tikva (Photo: Ofer Amram)


Gamzu stressed that suspicions of abuse is such wards should be reported to the police or a welfare officer as well as to the Health Ministry.


Fourteen employees suspected of involvement in the abuse were arrested thus far. Eleven were remanded in custody and three were released to house arrest.


In total, 75 employees were questioned on suspicion of abuse and failure to report abuse. They were all released under restrictions. The investigation is ongoing.


Gilad Morag contributed to this report




פרסום ראשון: 11.01.12, 14:35
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