
Photo: Visual/Photos
Once enrolled in Lichtigfeld, non-Jewish students are part of the family (illustration)
Photo: Visual/Photos

Jewish school looks to attract non-Jews

Lichtigfeld School in Frankfurt, the first German Jewish educational institution to open its doors after Holocaust, is openly recruiting non-Jewish students

VIDEO – The Lichtigfeld School opened in Frankfurt in 1966. It was the first German Jewish school to reopen its doors after the Holocaust. Now, in 2013, the Lichtigfeld School has introduced a new program to attract more non-Jewish students.


Most non-Orthodox Jewish schools in Germany admit non-Jewish students on a case-by-case basis. Lichtigfeld School, however, takes that growing trend a step further. It not only permits non-Jewish students to apply, it openly recruits them.


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Principal Alexa Brum points out that the newly instituted policy to attract more non-Jewish students to Lichtigfeld has nothing to do with boosting the school’s financial bottom line.


"Here in our school we have all kinds of denominations. We have Jewish atheists and we have non-Jews here. We have respect for one another. We need kids from all religions because we want to have them here," she says.


"Our school is quite expensive, but we have a social system. Even parents who are unemployed can send their children here."


To reach out beyond the Jewish community, Lichtigfeld School has launched a new website designed to recruit and inform prospective students and their parents.


Once enrolled in Lichtigfeld, non-Jewish students are part of the family. There is no special treatment. In addition to all required state subjects, students must also take Jewish studies classes and Hebrew.


More important than having their children learn Hebrew, non-Jewish parents say they send their kids to Lichtigfeld School for the moral and values-based Jewish education which is built into everything at the school.



פרסום ראשון: 02.09.13, 07:51
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