
Arrow 3 trials successful, may move operational timetable ahead

Seven months after testing of improved system for interception of ballistic missiles, program's announcement as operation may move ahead. Former program head says 'system demonstrated high reliability'

Analysis of the Arrow 3 missile launch tests, which took place last February in the Israeli Air Force's Palmachim base in cooperation with American partners, revealed that the experiment was successful beyond all expectations, to an extent that may speed up the timetable for the declaration of the program as operational.


Arrow 3 is the Israeli solution to intercepting long-range missiles that exit the atmosphere. The improved missile will be able to stand a future scenario of Iranian launch of a ballistic missile with a nuclear warhead.


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Inbal Kreiss, who until recently headed the Arrow 3 program, said that "the goal is to reach a fully guaranteed interception, after the system demonstrated high reliability."


Successful Arrow 3 launch in February (Video: Defense Ministry)    (צילום: אגף דוברות והסברה, משרד הביטחון)

Successful Arrow 3 launch in February (Video: Defense Ministry)


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In an event held in Tel Aviv University, Kreiss added that "the system has proven saving in time and missiles, and the security establishment is examining answering all threat scenarios with (this system). The missile's ability to divert course while reaching the targeted missile was proven beyond all doubt, as the accuracy of interception high above the State of Israel was improved."


At the end of the event, Kreiss told Ynet that "we try to move the schedule ahead. The experiment's success lowers the risks involved and helps move forward." The project's future stages, which are to take place in the next year and a half, until the system is declared operational, are an additional launch to space, as well as an experimental interception of a missile that simulates a long-range enemy missile that could reach the distance of about 2,000 kilometers (1242 miles).


The Arrow 3 missile is not intended for intercepting Syrian Scud missiles. In order to deal with that threat, Arrow 2 batteries were deployed in central and northern Israel. The Arrow 3 system is intended for long-range missiles only.


If Arrow 3 misses the hit, an Arrow 2 intercepting missile will be launched towards the enemy missile. As backing for the system and destroying of residual air missile, there will be a use of the aerial defense system Magic Wand, which is in advanced stages of development.



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