
Israel to hand over terrorists' bodies to PA

Bodies of 36 terrorists who collectively murdered dozens of Israelis to be handed over to Palestinians after relatives give DNA samples

Israel is set to deliver the bodies of 36 terrorists to the Palestinian Authority, Palestinian sources told Ynet. The terrorists' families were asked to provide DNA samples to complete the process of identification.


They were told to show up at West Bank checkpoints on November 5 and November 7. The samples will be turned over to the Military Rabbinate for identification before the bodies are handed to the families.


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The terrorists whose bodies are set to be returned include: brothers Imad and Adel Awadallah, Hamas military commanders in the West Bank; Iyat al-Khares, female suicide bomber who carried out an attack outside a Jerusalem supermarket in 2002; Sami Basharat, terrorist killed in clashes with IDF in 2003; Ahmed al-Fakia and Mohamed Shahin, Islamic Jihad members who carried out an attack in Otniel in 2002; and Mahmoud Qawasme, Hamas suicide bomber who carried out an attack in Haifa that killed 17 people.


Also on the list are the bodies of Abdul Karim who carried out a suicide bombing in Afula in 2002, Izz al-Din al-Masry, the Sbarro restaurant suicide bomber that killed 15 people; Rajeb Jaradat, suicide bomber that killed eight people in 2001; Ala Sabah, suicide bomber who detonated a bomb at the Hadera bus station in 2001 and Dawd Saad, suicide bomber who carried out an attack near a Jerusalem hotel in 2001.


Israel has agreed to hand over the terrorists' bodies following a petition filed by the terrorists' families with the High Court of Justice. As part of the proceedings, Israel pledged to return the bodies.


Last year, Israel handed over the bodies of 91 terrorists who had been buried at a cemetery for enemy soldiers on the Jordanian border. Seventy-nine of the bodies were transferred to the West Bank and 12 to the Gaza Strip.



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