
Photo: EPA
Security forces in action during a terrorist attack on a Pakistani airport.
Photo: EPA

India warns of increased threat against Israeli tourists

Internal Security Minister in India orders greater security measures for possible targets, cites increased al-Qaeda activity, upcoming Jewish holidays.

The likely-hood of attacks against Israelis traveling in India has increased, said security officials in the country Monday evening, citing al-Qaeda's recent public announcement of expansion into the Asian sub-continent. A report on India TV suggested that upcoming Jewish holidays and increased Israeli tourism as factors in the State's warning.



According to the same report, India's Interior Security Minister ordered to increase security at sites that could serve as targets against Israelis including air and seaports, buses transporting organized groups between popular tourist attractions and synagogues.


Military operations in Mumbai after an attack in the city in which a Chabad House was captured by terrorists. (Photo: AFP) (Photo: AFP)
Military operations in Mumbai after an attack in the city in which a Chabad House was captured by terrorists. (Photo: AFP)


The report comes after previous warnings were issued in the region including an alert from Israel's Defense Ministry that was passed on to its counterpart India four months ago.


According to Indian officials, the warning was attributed to an active threat from a terrorist in the area with connections to the "Indian Muhajadeen". The figure was captured by intelligence services in India.


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Through the incident it was revealed that members of the group had met in Pakistan with counterparts from al-Qaeda. There, they discussed the need to expand terrorist operations and sustain a continuing, international threat.


A joint terrorist attack in Mumbai in November 2008 resulted in the death of 170 people. The coordinated operation included taking control of several key buildings in the city including the local Chabad House.


Only one terrorist, Ajmal Kasab, was captured in the military retaliation by Indian forces. During questioning, he admitting to being a member of Lashkar-e-Taiba, a terrorist group in Pakistan. Kasab was eventually executed four years after the attack in Mumbai.


פרסום ראשון: 09.09.14, 00:06
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