
Photo: AFP
A terror attack in Sinai (File photo)
Photo: AFP

Israel issues traveling warnings amid fears of terror attacks

With Passover approaching, Israel's National Security Council warns Israelis not to travel to Egypt, recommends to avoid Turkey.

Israel's National Security Council on Sunday issued travel warnings for Israelis ahead of the upcoming holidays, starting with Passover and followed by Independence Day and the spring holidays of Lag BaOmer and Shavuot, which they say are prime time for possible terror attacks.



Out of 193 recognized nations, the council's Counter-Terrorism Bureau warned Israelis from traveling to 27, in addition to 8 dangerous areas around the globe.


The bureau noted no new travel warnings, but reaffirmed standing ones: "The warnings are based on concrete intelligence on threats," it said in a statement.


Kosher supermarket in Paris that was attacked by a gunman (Photo: Google Street View) (Photo: Google )
Kosher supermarket in Paris that was attacked by a gunman (Photo: Google Street View)


"Recent terror attacks committed by radical Islamists over the past year in Belgium, Canada, Australia, France and Denmark raise concern of additional attacks against Western targets, including Israeli and Jewish targets, specifically in western and northern Europe," the statement went on to say.


The Counter-Terrorism Bureau notes attackers could be "global jihad elements - including the Islamic State - both those who fought in Syria and Iraq and are returning to their countries of origin, and those local elements who did not spend time in areas of fighting, but their operations are inspired by terror organizations."


In addition to Europe, there is also concern of attacks against Western targets, including Israeli targets, in Africa, and more specifically, attacks aimed at businessmen, Israeli companies and shopping centers - like the Westgate Shopping Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, that was attacked last year.


The terror organizations mentioned as operating in Africa are the Somalia-based Al-Shabaab, Boko Haram in Nigeria and al-Qaeda affiliates in northern Africa. Travel warnings specifically note the Lag BaOmer Hillula in Tunisia as an event that could be targeted.


The Counter-Terrorism Bureau also urged Israelis to heed its travel warning and avoid visiting the Sinai Peninsula, in light of the current security threats in the area and the activity of the terror organization Ansar Bait al-Maqdis, which recently pledged its allegiance to the Islamic State.


The travel warning regarding Turkey also remained unchanged and the bureau recommends avoiding any non-essential trips to the country.


With regards to Thailand, there is a travel warning pertaining to the south of the country.


"Iran and Hezbollah's global terrorism campaign continues to constitute a threat to Israeli and Jewish targets across the world, specifically to tourist destinations Israelis frequent and to Jewish symbols like rabbis, community leaders and Chabad houses," the statement said.


פרסום ראשון: 03.22.15, 17:35
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