

Ynet exclusive: Interview with Trump's Israel advisor

Watch: In a Ynetnews exclusive, Attila Somfalvi interviews Trump's Israel advisor Jason Greenblatt to discuss how the Republican candidate plans to deal and work with Israel.

Ynet's Hebrew-language anchor Attila Somfalvi interviewed Donald Trump's chief Israel affairs advisor Jason Greenblatt just days before the US presidential election on November 8.



The Trump campaign released a statement regarding its policy towards Israel and the Middle East, which includes a line which states that "there will be no Palestinian state."


Exclusive interview with Trump's Israel Advisor    (צילום והפקה: עידן ארבלי)

Exclusive interview with Trump's Israel Advisor   (Video: Idan Arbeli)


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The overall message that the Trump campaign wants to express to Israelis, according to Greenblatt, is "(Trump) is an out of the box thinker, there's no question about it. And that's why I think he'll make a great president."



Donald Trump (Photo: AP)
Donald Trump (Photo: AP)


"He won't take 'no' for an answer," Greenblatt continued. "He's going to try to push people as far as they can be pushed to try and solve problems."


פרסום ראשון: 11.05.16, 18:21
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