![Photo: Sebastian Shiener Photo: Sebastian Shiener](https://images1.ynet.co.il/PicServer2/01082004/451944/YE0345858_a.jpg)
MK Omri Sharon is perceived by 65 percent of the Israeli public as the most corrupt political figure, data presented Tuesday in the Sderot Conference for Society of the Sapir Academic College revealed.
Sharon is followed by MK Benjamin Netanyahu (54 percent), Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and former Prime Minister Ehud Barak (41 percent each).
Minister Tzachi Hanegbi is perceived as the most corrupt minister.
According to the data, 59 percent of the public believe that the overall level of corruption of the Israeli government is high up to very high.
Agriculture Minister Yisrael Katz is perceived as the second most corrupt minister, followed by Education Minister Limor Livnat.
The fourth place was taken by Finance Minister Ehud Olmert, who furiously left the conference Tuesday after being verbally assaulted by a group of pensioners.
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is perceived as the fifth most corrupt minister, while his son, MK Omri Sharon (Likud), is perceived as the most corrupt Member of Knesset.
Omri Sharon is followed by MKs Shlomo Benizri (Shas), Benjamin Netanyahu (Likud) and Ronnie Bar-On (Likud).
'No miracle cure'
Over 90 percent of the survey respondents view the use of public funds for personal purposes as the most corrupt act, 88 percent view the most corrupt act as the appointment of unsuitable aides, and 86 percent believe that the most corrupt act is receiving money or benefits in return for promotion of personal interests.
Former State Comptroller Eliezer Goldberg said that "There is no miracle cure for corruption."
"The war against corruption should be a national goal, and the responsible bodies must be strong in their war. Investigations which continue for years undermine the public's confidence in the government," he said.
Attorney Liora Glatt-Berkovich, the former senior official in the State Attorney's Office who uncovered the Sharon-Cyril Kern affair, said in the conference that what bothered her most was "the public atmosphere of corruption which prevails in many places."
"Today, when a public figure is investigated by the police from morning till evening, instead of feeling ashamed of himself he tells the public: 'Today I had a pleasant conversation with the investigators, and they even offered me coffee.' And he leaves with a smile instead of looking depressed and conveying the message that he is sorry," she said.
"Omri Sharon's conduct, for example, is still the conduct of a celebrity, and no public or social disgrace clings to him," she added.
'More dangerous than terror'
Major-General (res.) Uzi Dayan, president of the Sderot Conference for Society, said that "Corruption is more dangerous than terror. It eventually reaches the simple things."
"People can’t find work because of corruption, because of corrupt tenders. Our youngsters are leaving the country because of corruption, because they think they will receive an equal opportunity somewhere else in the world," he said.
The survey also presented the least corrupt ministers and Members of Knesset. Housing Minister Isaac Herzog leads the list of decent ministers, followed by Justice Minister Tzipi Livni.
Shimon Peres was positioned in the third place, followed by Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz. Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom was viewed as the fifth most decent minister.
Of the Members of Knesset, Yosef Lapid (Shinui) is perceived as the least corrupt, followed by Avigdor Lieberman (Israel Our Home), Avraham Poraz (Shinui) and Labor Chairman Amir Peretz.
When asked what will be the key issue of the upcoming elections campaign, 49 of the respondents said economy and society, 30 percent said peace and security, and only 9 percent believe that corruption will be a key issue in the elections campaign.