
Did 'Onion' go too far?

4 May 2005


Sour 'Onion'


While The Onion is usually one of our favorite places to go for witty political satire, we think they took their sometimes dark humor a little too far this week with Dana Healy's article, "I Can't Stand It When Jews Talk During Movies."


While she may have made an attempt at humorous hyperbole with her over-the-top repetition of Jewish stereotypes, the article reads just downright insulting.


Some of the not-so-highlights...


  • "Where did these people learn to whisper? An Israeli helicopter?"
  • "That theater was as loud as an Elders of Zion meeting. Is it asking too much to expect a little courtesy from your fellow moviegoers? I guess some people just weren't raised gentile…"
  • "...If you can keep kosher, why can't you keep quiet?"
  • "… I swear, the next time a phone goes off, someone's getting a yarmulke shoved down his throat.”


Even if you like the kind of Jerry Seinfeld or Woody Allen humor in which Jews can laugh lightheartedly at their habits and idiosyncrasies, the initial suggestion that Jewish people are obnoxious movie-theater talkers doesn't work, because it's just not true. We've never felt that Jews made more noise than anyone else in the audience, but perhaps we were too busy talking to notice. 

פרסום ראשון: 05.05.05, 18:22