El-Al Aircraft
Photo: Gilad Kavalerchik

Swastikas (Archive photo)
Photo: Moshe Lichtenshtat
Several swastikas were discovered Monday night in the cargo hold of an El-Al aircraft which was on its way from Milan to Tel-Aviv. The swastikas were discovered when the cargo doors were opened in Ben Gurion Airport, and all passengers were held for questioning.
The incident, which caught the passengers by surprise, was discovered only after the aircraft had landed in Israel after a scheduled flight from Milan's international airport. The swastikas were probably sprayed as the aircraft was being loaded with cargo and baggage by local airport ground staff in Italy.
The swastikas were discovered after the aircraft landed in Israel, and the ground staff began to offload the bags. The workers quickly summoned the security staff who decided to stop all passengers and keep them in order to try and find out the party responsible for the swastikas.
A statement from El-Al read that "we are shocked from the act which was done by anonymous persons. El-Al has filed an official complaint to the law enforcement authorities in Italy."