Dennis Ross
Photo: Alex Kolomoisky
A group of international Jewish thinkers will meet in Jerusalem next week with the goal of fashioning a broad strategic perspective for the Jewish people in light of the threats and challenges threatening its existence.
The Conference on the Future of the Jewish People, under the auspices and with the participation of President-elect Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, will seek to provide the new president with a list of policy recommendations and priorities.
Ambassador Dennis Ross, a former senior State Department official, and chairman of the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute (JPPPI) that has organized the conference, said that “this is the first time that so senior and influential a forum of the Jewish people has gathered for deep discussion for the purpose of crafting practical strategic solutions for the challenges and threats facing the Jewish people at this historical moment."
One hundred and twenty participants from around the world will take part in the conference, which will be divided into four working groups: geopolitics, leadership, future Jewish communities and identity and demography.
The JPPPI is an independent think tank headed by Professor Yehezkel Dror and run by Director-General Avinoam Bar-Yosef, and Ynetnews plans on providing a live broadcast link to the conference.