
'One Voice' campaign

A campaign to end the conflict: More than half a million signatures

'What will you do to bring an end to the conflict?' wonders a campaign led by the 'One Voice' organization, which already has more than 500,000 Israeli and Palestinian supporters

A half a million Israelis and Palestinians have already joined the campaign led by the “One Voice” organization, answering the question “What are you willing to do to bring about the end of the conflict?” According to the initiators, “In the past five years, we have been able to collect more than 500,000 Israeli and Palestinian signatures, constituting a mandate demanding a two-state solution. The signatures are reinforced by surveys and studies that we have conducted”. They add, “We have learned that there is a hidden consensus amongst the two nations and that 76% of the Israeli and Palestinian population are willing to compromise in order to live a peaceful, stable and independent life”.


The “One voice” organization, which was been active since 2002 in Israel and The Palestinian Authority through branches in Tel Aviv, Ramallah, and Gaza, seeks to “express the voice of the silent majority of moderates”, explains Daniel Lubetzky, founder of the organization. “Our goal is to collect a million signatures of people who will work towards creating two states for two nations. It is important to send the message that business as usual is no longer acceptable to us. Every minute delayed in ending the conflict is a minute lost to the radical military forces”, he declares.


“The voice of the people is critical in reaching a viable regional agreement” summarizes Dr. Fathi Darwish, General Director of the organization in the Palestinian Authority. “If the Palestinian people want to end the occupation, and if the Israeli people want to ensure security and normalization with the Arab world, then each person must play a role to bring it about”.


For more information and petition -click here


פרסום ראשון: 10.03.07, 14:14
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