Katzover: We've learned from Golan

Dayan: Samaria belongs to Jews
"We will stand firm against those who threaten us from home or outside, and do everything in our power to prevent the banishment of another 150,000 Jews from dozens of settlements," a new treaty called 'The Samaria Pact' stated. It was signed Monday by representatives of dozens of West Bank settlements during a convention in Kiryat Netafim.
settlement residents. The settlers have banded together in order to object to a political tendency the pact describes as "a continuation of the disgraceful displacement and banishment that took place in Gush Katif and northern Samaria, which only brought more tragedy upon us."
The settlers are enraged over a new evacuation-compensation bill proposal, meant for West Bank
New-Old Bill
Prime minister's office confirms cabinet to debate initiative put forward by Vice Premier Ramon proposing compensation for settlers who voluntarily leave West Bank. No vote scheduled to be held on proposal at present time
"We have learned how to prevent our evacuation from the committee established in the Golan Heights," said Benny Katzover, founder of Gush Emunim (Lit: Block of the Faithful).
"We plan to battle against evacuation and for construction; against displacement and for Zionism. We don't want to wait until the last minute or be caught off guard. We want to prepare and limit the damage done to outposts."
Rabbi Dov Lior signs treaty
Yossi Dagan of Homesh First explained the move: "Samaria is changing its strategy tonight – we are going from defense to offense. After a year of political persecution we are transferring a clear message to the government: Not only will you not evacuate us – we will continue to build and expand."
Danny Dayan, head of the Yesha Council, announced that "the pact we have signed today clearly expresses our point – we have returned to Samaria because this is our land."
A poll conducted by the online Panels Ltd. was presented at the convention. It showed that 83% of those polled believe the withdrawal from Gush Katif did not accomplish its goals, and 55% said they opposed the recurrence of the initiative; 79% claim Israel's current government does not have the right to negotiate an agreement that includes the evacuation of settlements or the division of Jerusalem.
"We are waiting for the people of Israel to elect leadership unlike the corrupt Kadima, leadership that is pro-Israel, with true values that will keep the country safe and whole," said Rabbi Dov Lior, chairman of the Yesha rabbinical council. "Israel belongs only to the Jewish people."