Palestinian terrorists prepare to launch Qassams
Photo: AP

What kind of lull is it?

Eleven-year-old Inbal Lieberman says she felt entire country was lying to her about ‘lull’

It is difficult to refer to the “calm” of recent weeks as a real lull. At first perhaps, there were no Qassam rockets, and I felt safer. Yet then they started firing at us once in a while, and later they were firing every day – yet we have nowhere to hide or run.


I felt like the entire country was lying to us. How could they call this a lull?


The feeling we have is that nothing is really being done about the Qassams, with the possible exception of fortifying our homes. I cannot bear reports about people who were hurt by the rockets. Every day I ask myself again, what will happen today? How many people will be wounded or killed?


I am concerned every morning, afternoon, and evening. I am worried about the next Red Color alert, or the next explosion. When I hear the Red Color alarm I always think about my little sister, because she is very scared and she becomes pale.


I feel that the government does not think about us enough and does not understand how badly we suffer. People who are not part of the government and who do not live here also fail to understand this.


At first, when the Qassams just started to land here, I was still young and I was not too scared, because I did not realize what they can do. Now I am becoming more scared, because it has been going on for a long time now, and with the passage of time I understood the kind of damage that can be caused by every such missile.


Every time I hear the Red Color alarm, I am scared that something will happen, but I keep this fear inside, so nobody can hear it.


I am not at all sure that the people in Gaza know that we want peace. We need them to know this, because maybe they too want peace. Maybe this is just a misunderstanding on both sides.


Inbal Lieberman, 11, lives in Kibbutz Nir Am


פרסום ראשון: 12.21.08, 18:04
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