The police announced Friday during a High Court hearing that it would allow left-wing protesters to raise Palestinian flags during a rally calling to end the military operation in Gaza.
The police initially said that it would ban Saturday's demonstration if participants were to wave PA flags, but changed its stance following pressure exerted by the Supreme Court.
The hearing was held after leftist organizations petitioned the court saying they had no way to ensure that such flags would not be raised in the rally.
Justice Asher Grunis sarcastically remarked during the hearing that the police's policy has only succeeded in giving publicity to the rally: "There's plenty of media coverage. Many people will show up," he said.
As for the issue in question, Grunis stated that "Israel maintains ties with the Palestinian Authority and these flags are raised in numerous places in Israel."
Supreme Court President Dorit Beinish added that, "We've already had rallies in difficult times. Rallies aren't necessary in quiet times."
Following the police's decision the march will be held as planned in Tel Aviv on Saturday at 6 pm. Protesters will assemble at the Rabin Square and march to the Cinematheque.