Lieberman visits Western Wall
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Livni plants a tree
Photo: AP

Barak: 20 mandates needed
After waging a long battle against the ultra-Orthodox parties, Yisrael Beiteinu Chairman Avigdor Lieberman visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem on Monday, where he placed a note between the stones.
Lieberman was followed by a swarm of reporters, who pressed him for comment near the holy site. "I have just one message: Without loyalty there is no citizenship," he said, repeating the slogan of his party's campaign.
Ervin Eran Shahar
We should no longer agree to be forgotten immediately after the elections
The Shas Party was enraged at the visit. "We suggest that the note Lieberman places between the stones of the Wall include a plea for mercy, for his desire to open pork stores and institutionalize civil marriage. This was a visit to a relic of our temple, not a tennis court. This visit was pathetic," the ultra-Orthodox party stated.
The three premiership candidates also held field days Monday. Labor Chairman Ehud Barak planted a tree in his home kibbutz, Mishmar Hasharon, and said many citizens had told him they would like to see him remain in his current office.
"I tell you, if the Labor Party doesn't receive 20 mandates or close, I won't be able to be defense minister," he said.
Likud Chairman Benjamin Netanyahu met with the son of former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Yuval Rabin, who told him he would be voting for Labor.
"I met with him a few times over the past few months, and I told him what I tell the public: I intend to win tomorrow and establish a unity government that will be as wide as possible," Netanyahu said.
Kadima Chairwoman Tzipi Livni planted an olive tree in the 'Kadima Forest' in the Negev and said, "We will not live in a state in which peace and an olive tree are considered profanities."
She added, "Every citizen must go out in any weather tomorrow to determine his fate. We will translate it later into performing deeds for the good of all of Israel."