
New advisor - Marzel
Photo: AFP
New assistant – Ben Gvir
Photo: Ido Erez

Far rightists coming to Knesset

Baruch Marzel, Itamar Ben Gvir to serve as aides of new National Union Knesset member

Look who's coming: Far Right activists Baruch Marzel and Itamar Ben Gvir will soon become regular visitors to the Knesset – one as new National Union Knesset Member Michael Ben Ari's advisor, and the other as his parliamentarian assistant.


Dr. Ben Ari, who was placed in the fourth spot on National Union's list, is expected to attract great attention at the Knesset, both because of his aides and his views.


Marzel, a Hebron resident who in the past served as an assistant for Kach movement founder Rabbi Meir Kahane, will serve as Mk Ben Ari's advisor. Meanwhile, Ben-Gvir, who is about to complete his law degree in the, will serve as Ben Ari's assistant for legal and media affairs.


A close associate of the new arrivals at the Knesset told Ynet: "With these figures at the Knesset, we shall have a celebration every day."


"We are talking about colorful figures who will add plenty of color to the Knesset – mostly dark orange," the associate said. "It will certainly not be boring around there."



פרסום ראשון: 02.11.09, 23:52
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