Egypt: Nasrallah wants to turn us into Lebanon
Responding to Hizbullah leader's admission that his organization smuggled arms into Gaza, senior Cairo official tells al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper 'Egypt is not a building without a doorkeeper.' Nasrallah wants to unit region with Lebanese resistance moment in order to satisfy Iran, he adds
"Nasrallah wants to turn Egypt into a playground like Lebanon," one of the officials told the London-based al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper on Saturday.
The official said, "Nasrallah's admission and the language he used point to Hizbullah's desire to unite Egypt and the rest of the region with the Lebanese resistance movement and its solidarity with the Palestinians, under complicated international circumstances – for the mere sake of satisfying the Iranian interest to occupy the world, as (Tehran) develops its nuclear program."
The source added that the Hizbullah leader was interested in "dragging Egypt into this situation. It lets its people enter Egypt for satanic purposes."
According to the newspaper, Nasrallah admitted that the main suspect arrested in Egypt was a Hizbullah member. He noted that 10 other people were with the man, whom he referred to as "a porter at the Palestinians' service."
The newspaper also wrote that "Nasrallah got his agents entangled in Egypt and feel into the trap."
In his speech Friday, Nasrallah confirmed that one of his organization's activists who was arrested this week in Egypt was smuggling weapons into the Gaza Strip.
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He denied that his organization's activists were planning to carry out terror attacks in Egypt, and slammed Cairo for not initiating any activity with other Arab countries against the new Israeli government in light of Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman's recent statements.
'Activists arrived through tunnels'
Meanwhile, Egyptian weekly al-Ahram revealed new details on the arrests of Hizbullah and Hamas members in Egypt. A Cairo source told the newspaper that Hizbullah's intelligence chief was planning to carry out attacks inside the country.
According to the source, the suspects arrested confessed that Hizbullah leaders had taken part in the planning of the attack.
The source added that the suspects had arrived from four different countries and had entered Egypt illegally, using fake passports and fictitious names in order to mislead the Egyptian security forces.
According to the report, some of the suspects entered Egypt through the tunnels connecting between the Gaza Strip and Sinai, and the head of the network was senior Hizbullah member Mohammad Kabalan, who managed to escape. The man reportedly resided in Egypt between 2007 and 2008 in a bid to recruit and arm terrorist elements.
The organization's plan was based on sending delegations which would be ready to carry out attacks when scheduled. The activity continued until the start of the Israeli offensive in Gaza, when another senior organization members, Muhammad Mansour or Beirut, was sent to Egypt to oversee the implementation of the plan.