Tel Aviv Port (archives)

Boutique hotel to be built at Tel Aviv Port

Heiblum-Arditti Group plans to build seven-floor hotel and housing project near central city's port. Building expected to include 31 housing units, 45 hotel rooms, several swimming pools

The Heiblum-Arditti Group, owned by Lior Arditti and Ofer Heiblum, is planning a hotel and housing project near the Tel Aviv Port, together with additional partners.


The project will be located between Yordei Hasira and Shaar Zion Streets, on a land of about half an acre.


According to the plan, the entrepreneurs will be permitted to build a structure stretching over 5,672 square meters (61,052 square feet), which will divided into 4,050 square meters (43,592 square feet) for housing and 1,575 square meters (16,954 square feet) for a hotel.


hey will also be able to build 7,200 square meters (77,500 square feet) of service space underground, according to the plan.


In total, the building may have up seven floors above the ground and several basement floors. In addition, the building will include 31 housing units, 45 hotel rooms and a number of swimming pools.


The American Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel said it supports the plan, which "is aimed at reviving the port area and will speed up the development in the area. It will not harm the environment and is meant to integrate into the area."


פרסום ראשון: 09.18.09, 08:21
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