
Chavez threatened?
Photo: AP

Venezuela: Peres threatened Chavez

Israeli president's remarks 'direct threat to life, safety of Chavez', foreign minister says

Venezuela is accusing Israeli President Shimon Peres of threatening President Hugo Chavez.


Peres predicted last week during a visit to Argentina that the people of Venezuela and Iran would make their leaders disappear before long.


Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro called the remarks "a direct threat to the life and safety" of Chavez and Iran's leader, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.


Maduro accused Peres of trying to disrupt Iran's growing ties with Latin America. The foreign minister spoke Monday as Ahmadinejad began a regional tour in Brazil.


Chavez broke off diplomatic ties with Israel in January to protest its military offensive in the Gaza Strip.

Later, President Chavez told the Israeli people not to support their government, which he described as "genocidal."


The state of Israel has become a murderous lackey at the service of imperialism," Chavez said. "It's a genocidal government. I condemn that Zionist government that persecutes the heroic Palestinian people."


פרסום ראשון: 11.24.09, 21:02
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