This disgraceful decision must not be slammed from a secular direction, but rather, from a Jewish direction.
This is what God said in the Book of Deuteronomy: “This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life.”
Now choose life, Rabbi Litzman. Choose the living over the dead; choose the blessings of the Lord above over the bizarre curses of the ephemeral “Atra Kadisha” organization headed by Rabbi Shmidel; choose the lives of our children over the graves of our forefathers (or whoever it is that is buried there; nobody is able to provide a clear answer about that.)
The NIS 135 million (roughly $30 million) that came directly out of the healthcare budget mean that there is blood on each and every one of the 10 hands lifted in favor of the decision at Sunday’s government session.
There is blood on Netanyahu’s hands, blood on Lieberman’s hands (with another defender of secular rights like him we shall all be lost), blood on the hands of Uzi Landau, Sofa Landver, Eli Yishai, Ariel Atias, Yakov Margi, Meshulam Nahari, Benny Begin (whose father must be turning in his grave), Yisrael Katz, and Daniel Hershkowitz (it is no coincidence that I omitted the “rabbi” title from his name this time. He does not deserve it.)
What do they tell themselves at night? That they safeguarded the coalition?
There is blood on your hands, Mr. Litzman. How do you live with yourself – as a Jew, as a religious person, as a father to children, and as a citizen of this country? How knows better than you, Mr. Litzman, how many cancer patients you could have saved with NIS 135 million.
What will you tell the next person who calls you at night and cries because his four-year-old child is dying from leukemia, because his wife needs a kidney transplant, or because his brother, a soldier, was killed by a Qassam rocket on the too-long way from Barzilai hospital to the emergency room? What will you tell us all next time you need to cut back on subsidized medicine? That you have no money? We both know, Mr. Litzman, that none of the examples I presented above is something I invented. The original letters reach you; I only read the copies.
Judaism teaches us that saving a life supersedes the entire Torah – were you not listening during that class? Does saving a life supersede the Shabbat, kashrut, or taking God’s name in vain – yet the only thing it doesn’t supersede is a few graves in Ashkelon?
I’m writing, Mr. Litzman, and you will be reading this. And both of us know you don’t care. You don’t care about Judaism, you don’t care about the Jews, and you don’t care about the living words of God. The only thing you and the bunch of disgraceful cynics who voted with you the other day care about is your pathetic smalltime politics.
You will have to face justice at God’s court above, as do all the people who have blood on their hands. Here on earth, as usual, we are the ones who will be paying the price.