Addressing a crowd of masses in the Yemeni capital of Sana, Mashaal congratulated "all the countries and nations which stood by our side".
"What Israel did is a revolt against the world, against international law and against the moral principles of all monotheistic religions – even Judaism," the Hamas leader argued.
"It's strange that Israel says all the activists were Hamas supporters. One of them was a Jewish woman who survived the Holocaust, and I never heard her supporting us. Today Israel is isolated as it has never been before because it is committing a holocaust, even against Holocaust survivors."
Masses listen to Mashaal's speech in Sana (Photo: Reuters)
He called on the international community to act firmly against Israel, and said that "we won't let it escape punishment. What happened at the Security Council due to the American veto is a real failure and thwarts any hope.
"We need a new 'Goldstone report', which will condemn Israel. In addition, (Defense Minister Ehud) Barak, (Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu and all the Zionist leaders must be put on trail for being war criminals."
Mashaal delivered the speech following a meeting with Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh. He thanked the sail's participants and Turkey, and called on all Arab countries to adopt a similar policy to the one taken by Ankara against Israel.
"I say to all those who took part in the sail: You won. Your message reached every single place in the world. We are proud of Turkey for its stand and for returning to the lap of Palestine, the Arabs and Muslims," the Hamas leader said, praising the Turkish prime minister.
"Mr. Erdogan was right when he attacked the Zionist entity, and we call on all Arab and Islamic countries, as well as all movements in the region, to express their solidarity with Turkey. It expresses solidarity with our people, so we must stand by it. All those who have any relations with Israel should sever them, as continuing the relations is a reward for its crimes."
'Israel: From asset to burden'
Mashaal went on to convey a message to the international community, urging its leaders to work to lift the blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip.
"I call on the leaders of the Western world to act wisely and with a conscience. In the past Israel may have been an asset for you, but today it is simply a burden. Israel has become a danger to its allies as it rebels against the world and is the source of the greatest danger to peace in all regions."
He addressed Egypt's decision to temporarily open the Rafah crossing for the transfer of goods between Gaza and Egypt and teased its president, Hosni Mubarak.
"This opening is partial and won't continue. We are grateful for it, but we stress that this move is not enough. I call on President Mubarak from here: You began your life as a soldier fighting the Zionist enemy; end it with a decision to open the Rafah crossing permanently. If the international community fears weapon smuggling, Egypt can provide guarantees as to what will go through."
Mashaal concluded his speech with a call for an internal Palestinian reconciliation and urged the Palestinian Authority to cut all of its ties with Israel.
"Our Palestinian brothers in Fatah, we have reached the moment of truth. This is a historic moment which can lead to a reconciliation which will be based on our strong rights and resistance to the occupation. This is what we want, together with a real partnership.
"You too know that there is no use in negotiations, as it serves Israel and it uses it for its own advantage. You must refuse to participate in this Israeli-American game. The security coordination with Israel is a real crime."