UK to adopt burqa ban?
Photo: Reuters
More than two-thirds of the British public want Muslim face veils banned in all public places, according to a YouGov and Five News poll.
The poll followed a French parliament vote which may soon lead to an outlawing of burqas in France. In April Belgium outlawed the veils – the first European country to do so.
According to the poll, 67% of the 2,000 people who participated in the UK survey believe Britain should adopt the law forbidding women to cover their faces, though human rights groups have inveighed against it.
One of those supporting the ban is chairman of the Muslim Educational Center in Oxford.
"We're not telling these women what they can wear. We're telling them the only thing they should do is uncover their faces," said Imam Dr Taj Hargey. "I think this notion that somehow this is a religious symbol, a Koranic requirement, is nonsense."
The new French law is scheduled to be implemented sometime next year, after it is approved by the senate. Violators will then be fined 150 euros for covering their faces.
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