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Soldier badly hurt by stray bullet

Incident occurs as two troops argue near regimental policeman's post at northern base; Military Police launch investigation

An Israel Defense Forces soldier was seriously wounded from a stray bullet at the Avivim Post on the northern border while arguing with another soldier. He was evacuated to the Ziv Medical Center in Safed and his family was informed of his injury.


The incident occurred as the soldier was standing neat the regimental policeman's post, apparently as part of a guarding mission. Another soldier serving with him at the Engineering Corps arrived in the area and two began arguing.


According to an initial inquiry, during the argument the soldier held on to the barrel of his friend's weapon, and a stray bullet hit him straight in the stomach.


The Investigating Military Police launched an investigation into the incident.



פרסום ראשון: 12.05.10, 20:40
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