
Hayat with wife and kids
Pregnant wife Hofit
Photo: Hagai Einav

Carmel fire claims 44th victim

Firefighter Danny Hayat, who fought bravely to save Prison Service cadets, succumbs to wounds

After a two-week battle for his life, firefighter Danny Hayat passed away Saturday, the 44th victim of the Carmel fire disaster that consumed thousands of acres in northern Israel two weekends ago.


Hayat, who was 35, was commended for his bravery after battling the flames that ravaged a bus full of Prison Service cadets. Two other firefighters from his team also died of their wounds.


The team was called to attempt to rescue the cadets, whose bus became trapped in the flames on the first day of the fire. Hayat succeeded in pulling one cadet out alive, but he too succumbed to his wounds later.


Hayat arrived in the hospital suffering from burns on 80% of his body and smoke inhalation. He is mourned by his wife Hofit, who is in the late stages of pregnancy, and two children.


Dr. Yaron Bar-Lavi, who runs the ICU at Rambam Hospital, told Ynet that Hayat had passed away at around 4 pm due to systemic failure.


"Though he had more of a chance of surviving than the others, he suffered from very serious injuries. Actually, for the entire 16-day period during which he was hospitalized he was on life support," Bar-Lavi said.



פרסום ראשון: 12.18.10, 18:37
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