VIDEO - If you were wondering if it was possible for Jake Gyllenhaal to get any darn cuter, he just did. Watch the video below and you’ll see what I’m talking about.
He starts off defining "afikoman" (the matzah parents hide and kids look for following the seder) for wee viewers, spends a good 20 seconds trying to remember where he hid his own piece of matzah, then ends up finding it in his shirt pocket.
(You have to give him extra points for being creative – my Bubby hid the matzah in the same three places every Passover: Behind her massive old floor TV, in the potted plant in her hallway and behind the framed picture of me as a toddler wearing a sailor suit on her living room side table.)
Gyllenhaal’s appearance has been making news on The Huffington Post’s site, and even showed up on celeb gossip site, Perezhilton.com.
After this great spot, "Shalom Sesame" should seriously consider introducing Matzah Monster – Cookie Monster’s Jewish cousin.
Reprinted with permission from Shalom Life
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