Reform synagogue
Photo: Yogev Amrani
Unknown persons smashed the windows of a Reform synagogue in Raanana early Thursday morning, and sprayed graffiti on its walls.
Members of the Raanan Synagogue arrived for morning prayers and found the place of worship and a nearby playground desecrated – for the third time in the past few months.
Large stones had been thrown through the synagogue's windows and a Star of David had been sprayed on an outer wall, with the words "it starts" above it.
"These were not just stones but veritable boulders which shattered the windows and scattered the glass throughout the prayer hall and the playground," one of the synagogue-goers said.
"It may not have been the first time, but it was certainly an escalation (of violence)."
The Raanana religious community has no suspects, but speakers said they expect police to investigate thoroughly.
Rabbi Gilad Kariv, head of the Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism, said that "the reoccurring offences at the synagogue will not prevent us from faithfully serving the many residents of Raanana who are committed to its open and pluralistic character".
"We expect the town's nobility to stand by the community and publically support its actions," Rabbi Kariv added.
Raanana Mayor Nahum Hofree condemned the "bullying" which he says is not characteristic of the town's residents. Raanana honors all strains of Judaism with "tolerance and paragon coexistence", Hofree added.
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