The gravest problem associated with the Oslo process may have been the masked ball. Fatah terrorists got the trick. They dressed up as peacemakers, put an olive branch in their mouths, but kept their knife behind their back and held it with both hands. On occasion, the truth slips out, the mask is removed from their faces, and their real faces are exposed.
The people of Israel want peace and so they beg: Please, continue to fool us; continue to hide behind the masks. However, leftist politicians know the truth. They are well familiar with the real aspirations of Fatah and Hamas, but how will they be elected to the Knesset should the Palestinians no longer put on their masks?
The problem is that the Palestinians also want us to fund the masks. They believe that we believe that they’re credible. It already happened to us in 1996, in the Kotel Tunnel events, during the murderous riots led by Fatah, but after that we were tempted again, and joint IDF-Palestinian Authority patrols got underway.
It happened again when the Second Intifada broke out, under the leadership of the Palestinian Authority, headed by murderer Marwan Barghouti. This Intifada led to the death of thousands of Israelis, until it was defeated during Operation Defensive Shield, using the IDF’s iron first.
Time to rip off masks
However, yet again it appeared to us that they are merely “peacemakers.” But then came a reminder from the Fatah convention less than two years ago, under Mahmoud Abbas’ presidency. Below are a few quotes: “The armed struggle is a strategy rather than a tactic. The armed revolution of the Palestinian Arab people is a decisive element in the campaign for liberating and eliminating the Zionist presence. This struggle shall only end after the Zionist entity’s elimination and Palestine’s liberation. Absolute objection, that cannot be revoked, to recognizing Israel as a ‘Jewish state.’”
The Fatah movement objects to Israel’s Jewishness. This is the backdrop of Abbas’ renewed union with Hamas. Should Israel fund the aspirations to destroy it? Should it fund the thousands of soldiers who train towards eliminating it, when even American General Dayton admitted that should they not get a state, their guns will be directed at us? Should Israel fund the Fatah-Hamas unity government in order to boost the arsenal of missiles to be aimed at Tel Aviv tomorrow?
The time has come to rip off the masks and reveal their true faces.
The writer is a former Yesha Council chairman