
Mughrabi Bridge - temporary solution?
Photo: Reuters

Mughrabi Bridge reopens with fire truck in tow

Bridge leading to Temple Mount reopens after 48 hour closure but controversy remains over decision to renovate bridge instead of having it demolished

Just 48 hours after the Mughrabi Bridge, which leads to Temple Mount in Jerusalem, was closed over safety concerns, it has been reopened to pedestrians on Wednesday.


Jerusalem security forces have stationed a fire truck nearby as a safety measure as a Jerusalem Municipality engineer declared that the structure is a public health and fire hazard and is in danger of collapsing.


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The Jerusalem Municipality on Tuesday published a statement criticizing the government, this after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided that the Mughrabi Bridge will be renovated rather than demolished.


כבאית הוצבה ליד הגשר. גשר המוגרבים, השבוע (צילום: EPA)

Mughrabi Bridge this week (Photo: EPA)


"The government's helplessness in dealing with this hazardous and dilapidated nuisance at the heart of the Western Wall and entrance to Temple Mount is regrettable," the statement read.


City officials, who were in favor of demolishing the bridge and building a new one in its place, were not happy with Netanyahu's decision. Mayor Nir Barkat expressed concern that "Netanyahu's conduct will delay the completion of a new bridge and will prevent the restoration of the status quo, which was violated by its closure.


"A correct process of decision making would have produced the right solution of placing a permanent and safe walkway in place of the old one," the statement read.


Tourists interested in visiting the Temple Mount were upset by the decision to close the bridge.


"The bridge should be open to everyone, not just Muslims," Wayne, a German tourist who is visiting Israel for the fourth time, told Ynet.


Another tourist, a South African who is visiting Jerusalem for the first time, told Ynet he was disappointed by the decision: "It was supposed to be one of the highlights of our trip. It's a shame we can't go there."




פרסום ראשון: 12.14.11, 08:59
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