The struggle against the African infiltration in the south has suffered from a baseless racist image, and Israel’s media outlets in 2011 sanctify the war on racism, of course. Their natural heart’s desire in such cases is similar to the traditional tendency of civil rights groups that grant infiltrators patronage and provide them with an umbrella of compassion and a protective legal counsel vest.
Eilat Mayor Meir Yitzhak Halevy described the mass migration as a destructive phenomenon, and he did not exaggerate. In November, an all-time record in the number of illegal migrants that arrive in Israel via Egypt was broken. This record shall be broken again in December, January and February, unless our authorities regain their senses.
And they must regain their senses. We have no time to wait for the completion of the fence, because until then tens of thousands of additional unemployed Africans shall be joining us. Instead of serving as a Zionist shelter to the Jewish Diaspora, we shall turn into the regional employment office of Eritrea, Ghana and Sudan.
By that time, the demographic Palestinian threat shall seem like a minor concern compared to the African threat, which we would not be able to solve by withdrawing to the 1967 borders. We shall also have to give up Eilat and divide Tel Aviv.
Adopt American model
It seems that by now most employees who work at southern hotels arrived here from elsewhere, and not in the framework of the Law of Return. Life is good for them here. The weak rule of law does not present them with too many difficulties. Soon they shall get married and bring descendents to the world that shall stay here forever. Perhaps they shall even establish their own political party.
The only Jewish state in the world would then be able to submit its candidacy for membership in the African states bloc. The danger of assimilation here will approach its extent overseas.
For the umpteenth time, it’s important to emphasize the following: These people are not refugees. Their legal status is identical to that of Israelis who dream of immigrating to the United States but are politely yet firmly rejected by the Americans. “Sorry, there is no space,” says the American consulate and refuses to grant them a visa. The time has come for Israel to adopt a similar policy of refusal.
The African immigration problem is not existential just yet, but it is already a very grave problem. The fact is that even Ron Huldai, the mayor of Israel’s most liberal constituency, has raised a hue and cry. He is not racist; he is merely sounding the alarm.
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