
Ban Ki-moon
Photo: AP

Palestinians hurl slippers at visiting UN chief

Ban Ki-moon's car reportedly hit by "shoe attack" en route to Gaza Strip

Relatives of Palestinians held in Israeli jails hurled slippers at an armored vehicle carrying visiting UN chief Ban Ki-moon, as it was driving by the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanoun, Thursday.


About 40 relatives of Palestinian prisoners gathered at the Erez Crossing between Gaza and Israel, hoisting posters with pictures of their loved ones and signs in English and Arabic reading, "Ban Ki-moon, enough bias to Israel." Two of the protesters reportedly threw slippers at his car.


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According to the Al-Arabiya network, the protesters also hurled rocks at the car.


The relatives formed a human chain at the crossing in an effort to block Ban's vehicle, but Hamas security forces moved them away so he could enter Gaza.


Ban, who is visiting Israel as part of his tour of the Middle East, met with President Shimon Peres on Wednesday.


The two discussed the Iranian nuclear threat and Ban stressed that the situation with Iran must be resolved in peaceful ways.


The UN chief also met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and urged him to change Israel's West Bank settlement policies, saying that they were counterproductive to the peace process.


You can contact Elior Levy, Ynet's Palestinian Affairs Correspondent, at: [email protected]  



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