
Photo: Asi Cohen
Classroom at Yad Lebaniom School
Photo: Asi Cohen

American Jews teach Israeli kids English

Young adults from US Jewish communities teach their mother tongue in Israeli schools while learning about State of Israel, strengthening bond between world Jews

Petah Tikva's Yad Lebanim elementary school acts under the banner of excellence and courtesy and emphasizes these issues among its students. In addition, the school has chosen to break the language barrier by having native English speakers teach its students English.


These studies were made possible thanks to the MASA project, which brings young Americans to Israel to voluntarily teach English in schools across the country.


Some 70 young Americans have arrived in Israel for this purpose and will stay in the country for a year.


MASA is a joint project of the government and the Jewish Agency together with the Education Ministry.


According to Jewish Agency Deputy Chairman Rani Trainin, the MASA project brings thousands of young adults from Jewish communities to Israel for a period of voluntary work.


"Many MASA participants make a significant contribution to education in Israel by teaching English and other subjects, thereby helping increase the level of education in the country while strengthening the interrelation between Israeli youth and Diaspora youth and the partnership between the State of Israel and the world's Jewry."


Dr. Soly Natan, director of the Central District of the Ministry of Education, adds: "We are proud to be the first district to operate this unique project. About half a year after it was launched, we are learning that the goals we have set are indeed being achieved.


"The fellow teachers are strengthening their Jewish identity and are involved in the Israeli society and culture while providing the schools with a supporting system for the instruction of English, helping increase the students' achievements, and a large part of them contributes in other areas in the school.


"This is an important project and we plan to extend it next year to other authorities in the district."



פרסום ראשון: 03.06.12, 09:18
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