
Osama bin Laden
Photo: AP
Abbottabad compound
Photo: AP

Bin Laden's Bible code?

Two Bibles found in dead Qaeda leader's compound thought to contain clues to future attacks

Pakistani security officials have discovered two copies of the Bible at the compound where Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was killed, the Daily Mail reported Wednesday.


The holy books were discovered when demolition crews were sent in to raze the compound in Abbottabad. They were so well hidden that security personnel had previously overlooked them. Two radio sets were also found in a final sweep of the compound before demolition.


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According to a report in the British tabloid The Sun, the English-print editions are believed to contain coded clues to future terror attacks.

הורסים את ביתו של בן-לאדן, השבוע (צילום: AFP)

Compound was demolished Sunday (Photo: AFP)


The Bibles contained pages that are folded-over and highlighted texts.


"The Bibles were in English and we cannot be sure why they were there," a commanding officer in Pakistan's ISI security service told The Sun. "These copies were found as we checked the rooms for the final time before demolishing the building.


"The radios are in working condition and will be given with the Bibles to the investigators. Some pages were folded and we will see later what was of most interest to bin Laden," he said.


US Navy SEALs assassinated Bin Laden in a raid last May, bringing the biggest manhunt in history to its conclusion.


Its demolition was completed on Sunday, erasing a symbol of humiliation for Pakistan's military that has marked one of the most difficult periods in US-Pakistan ties.




פרסום ראשון: 02.29.12, 16:37
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