Tzipi Livni
Photo: Atta Awisat, Yedioth Ahronoth
Very soon, when the Kadima
primaries will be over and Tzipi Livni
will ask herself how it happened to her, I would suggest that she go back to one brief moment, which was coincidently documented and later aired on television.
In this clip, Livni arrives at an election event, when a young woman walks up to her and tells her excitedly: My dream was to meet you. Livni looks at the woman for a split second, says “there, you made the dream come true,” and keeps walking.
I take the liberty to estimate that these are Ms. Livni’s final days in Israeli politics, and there is no easy way to say it: Very little has been left by that woman.
Livni failed as a foreign minister in the effort to elicit a diplomatic achievement at the end of the Second Lebanon War, she was part of the Gaza Disengagement failure, and she failed politically when she conducted herself arrogantly vis-à-vis Israel’s religious parties and fell short of forming a government with them.
Tzipi Livni was also a personal failure vis-à-vis her own party members, whose support she lost along the way as they defected to Shaul Mofaz’s camp, because of that very same arrogance.
And so, these are Tzipi Livni’s last days in Israel’s political arena, and there’s nobody out there who would miss her.