![Photo: Eli Elgarat Photo: Eli Elgarat](https://images1.ynet.co.il/PicServer2/20122005/829013/IMG_4931-(Large)_a.jpg)
Olim arrive in Israel (archives)
Photo: Eli Elgarat
This is an enthusiastic Zionist text, which I truly believe in: Despite all the doubts, Israel is the safest place in the world for Jews.
Ashton Disgrace
Yigal Walt
Op-ed: Europe’s deeply flawed morality, dying soul, evident in Gaza-Toulouse comparison
I’m not conveying this message only in the wake of the terror attack in Toulouse the other day, which proved that the life of Jews in the Diaspora is always vulnerable to dangers, left and right. I’m also not taking into account Iran’s and Hezbollah’s threats to harm Israelis abroad.
Indeed, a Persian leader is currently weighing options for annihilating the Jews. He is planning to build a nuclear bomb, but we have a defensive force to counter him. We have missiles, an army, and deterrent power. Thus far, when Iran attempted to harm Jews, it succeeded in doing so only overseas: In two mega-attacks against Jewish targets in Argentina, rather than within the State of Israel.
Indeed, tens of thousands of missiles are currently facing us from all directions. But where in the world are there no dangers? Los Angeles residents are expecting a major earthquake at any moment. Japanese citizens fear tsunamis. Miami resident fear hurricanes. In New York and Chicago, a violent robbery can turn into murder. Moreover, the chances of dying in a car accident in the United States are much higher than in Israel.
Israelis live longer
Statistically, the risks in Israel are not greater than those overseas. The fact is that Israel’s life expectancy, despite all the wars and terror attacks, is among the highest in the world. The average Israeli will live longer than the average American, Brit, and most certainly much longer than the average Russian. And as one who has been living here almost all his life, I can personally attest that Israelis will be living a better life.
As Israelis, we are well familiar with all the flaws and mishaps around here. Yet we are unfamiliar with the problems in other countries. I’ve traveled the world and familiarized visited various states: There too, people face complex problems and difficulties. Meanwhile, here in Israel, we enjoy a standard of living that is among the highest in the world.
And here are a few more Zionistic words: Our parents dreamed of building a place that would be safe for Jews here in Israel. The whole world understood them in the wake of the Holocaust. A cold, sober examination of the situation 64 years later allows us to conclude that we succeeded. Israel’s is the world’s safest country for every Jew.