In recent weeks we’ve witnessed a “virtual love offensive” Involving Israelis and Iranians. We all took pleasure in the expressions of love directed at us, while trying to convince ourselves we have no real enemy in Iran. We sank into sweet dreams and started planning our trips to Iran, while waiting for Iranians to arrive in Israel so they can be amazed by Zionism’s achievements and our willingness to seek peace and fraternity.
Yet as is the case with most virtual love affairs on the Internet, this love too is destined to crash against reality. We may wake up tomorrow and discover that the virtual beauty on the other side of the screen is an obese, ugly old lady trying to tempt suckers like us in order to realize her twisted dreams and satisfy her perverted tendencies.
As opposed to what we’re trying to convince ourselves of, the vast majority of Iranians still supports the Ayatollah regime, believes its statements and views us as the source of evil in the world. Indeed, at this time Iran is the globe’s greatest center of anti-Semitism, with propaganda materials against Israel and Judaism regularly disseminated there.
We are excited by a few Iranians willing to speak to us on the Internet, yet we must keep in mind that the vast majority still hates us, and this won’t be changing anytime soon.
No pangs of conscience
We now have to decide what to do should this regime acquire nuclear weapons and whether we can live with such reality over time. Even after Ahmadinejad is replaced by someone else, will our problems be solved and will we be able to live in peace with a radical, hate-filled regime in possession of nukes?We should not forget that Iran’s nuclear program enjoyed its greatest momentum during the tenure of the previous president, Khatami, who was considered a “moderate” and great “reformer” in Iranian standards, yet was no different than Ahmadinejad in his hatred to Jews and made his feelings known frequently.
The answer to the above questions is “no,” of course. Nuclear arms in the hands of Iran’s mad, radical regime, which wants to exterminate us as a matter of ideology, are a grave danger and should be prevented at any price. I am willing to strike in Iran, as long as no harm comes to my young daughter, and I have no pangs of conscience over this. I’m following the basic instinct of every living thing.
My first article on Ynet some seven months ago was translated into Persian within a few days and was published by several Iranian websites. I will therefore assume that my current message will also reach my Iranian friends sooner or later. So I tell them this: I’m your friend and I love you, but I won’t hesitate to bomb you. Consider yourselves warned.
Dr. Maharan Frahadian, a Holon resident, is a pediatrician