IDF parades on Independence Day have been scrapped many years ago, yet suddenly it was decided to officially integrate the army into the Gay Pride Parade of all things. An M-16 rifle and manly romance, this is the IDF’s new message in 2012 as it appears on the army spokesman’s Facebook page on the occasion of Pride Week.
I would still like to think that this embarrassing photo was the initiative of foolish, low-ranking military officials, rather than a strategic decision made by the IDF spokesman himself.
Esprit de Corps
Itamar Eichner
Photo of gay troops posted on military's international Facebook page in show of support of gay, lesbian community, garners thousands of 'shares,' 'likes'
Otherwise, the question one should ask is why make do with two anonymous soldiers? Why not post a photograph of the IDF chief of staff and his deputy marching hand in hand towards the horizon? If you want pride, go all the way.
Screen shot from IDF's Facebook page
Instead of imbuing troops with a fighting spirit, the IDF shall invest most of its educational efforts from now on in imparting the values of homosexual love. Every mother should know that her son is enlisting for service not only to fight the enemy, but also in order to serve fashionable ideas that have no connection whatsoever to Israel’s defense needs.
What about religious troops?
The caption below the romantic photo noted that the IDF treats all its soldiers equally. Yet that’s not true; the army does not treat all troops equally. Indeed, the IDF’s senior commanders do not hold the same respect for various sexual views.Less than a year ago, religious cadets were kicked out of officers’ course because they had trouble listening to female singing. The IDF sacrificed them on the altar of political correctness, and this is precisely what it does now with the photo of the two gay soldiers in uniform.
This photo makes no contribution to the original IDF mission; it merely offers blatant flattery in line with the taste of shapers of public opinion.
The wrong attitude hiding behind it is the same that once upon a time prompted the IDF to publicize pictures of good-looking female soldiers worldwide. Indeed, the Jewish people’s army is making an effort to market itself as a company preoccupied with satisfying the caprices of Western culture.
This scandal is especially outrageous if one recalls that the government is making an extra effort these days to finally enlist the haredim for military service. Yet according to its Facebook page, the IDF is a secular army who deliberately shows contempt to religious feelings.