Haim Ramon
Photo: Noam Moskowitz
Haim Ramon, who was one of the architects of the Kadima party who left it following the election of Shaul Mofaz as chairman, revealed Tuesday that he is currently in the midst of forming a new political party.
The former justice minister said that the new party will be positioned in the center of the political spectrum.
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"When Kadima joined the government it forfeited its role and ceased being an alternative (to the government)," he told Ynet.
"Kadima will disappear, one way or another," he added. "I said before that if Mofaz is elected the party will come crashing down. They have given up on being an alternative to the government."
He further urged Kadima to resign the Coalition immediately: "If there is any semblance of respect left there, even an inkling, they cannot remain in the Coalition even one more day."
Ramon confirmed that the new party will be, among others, a new home for former Kadima Chairwoman Tzipi Livni.
He further hedged that Kadima, in its current makeup, will "not last long."
'PM lies to the public'
Ramon also criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying that "it was oblivious that he would never work against the settlers of the haredim. They're his natural allies… To conserve that he will sell out every value he has."
Israel, he added, "Is headed by a prime minister who lies to the public. Only someone who wants to be deceived can fall for his tricks over and over again.
"The public has to understand that Netanyahu is committed only to the radical Right, to political stalemate, to keeping Israel from becoming a true democracy."
As for Shaul Mofaz, Ramon said that he will not pass judgment: "He has chosen his path. He believes in it. He went back to his (political) home only to discover nothing has changed. Unfortunately, some mistakes are more costly than others.
"I respect Mofaz. He has an impressive track record. But he made the wrong choice and 'killed' the alternative."
The new party, he said, "Will be free of Kadima's mistakes. We all have to draw our own conclusions. We've learned from our mistakes."
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