A new bill that aims to place a ban on fur sales in Israel was brought before the Knesset last week for a preliminary reading. The bill, supported by eight Knesset members from across the political spectrum still has to undergo reviewed by several Knesset committees, before it will be ready for a vote. Should the legislation mature, Israel will become the first nation worldwide to officially ban fur sales. While no country has officially barred fur sales by law, many have localized consumer bans on fur trade, such as Dublin, Ireland and West Hollywood in the United States and more and more nations worldwide are instating anti fur laws. Each year millions of animals all over the world are killed for their fur. Jane Halevy, chairperson of the International Anti-Fur Coalition, said: "Fighting for people's consciousness is a daily undertaking, and this legislation may yet save millions of animals. "It's time to do this at last and finally end the fur trade in Israel. Such legislation should gain immense respect for Israel and its citizens. Another important point to note is that… the new bill doesn't suggest a ban on fur imports, hence the bill is an entirely internal matter and any intervention by foreign furriers will be neither ethical nor justified." Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter