
Jordan's King Abdullah. New appointment
Photo: Reuters

Jordanian tribe slams new Israel envoy

Obeidat tribe condemns appointment of its member as Jordan's new ambassador to Jewish state, saying 'all red lines have been crossed'

The Jordanian Obeidat tribe on Monday condemned the appointment of tribe member Walid Khalid Obeidat as Jordan's new ambassador to Israel, saying that a person who accepts such an appointment is "violating all prohibitions, crossing all red lines and offending the nation and the tribe."


The tribe said in a statement published by the al-Dustour newspaper, just several days after the Jordanian government announced the appointment, that it contradicts the stance of the tribe members and their forefathers.


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"Whoever takes such an appointment upon himself puts his hand in the hands of those who have worked to rob lands and kill Palestinians," the statement said.


The tribe announced that it was cutting all ties to the designated ambassador. "The tribe will remain loyal to its nation and will not sign a peace agreement with its enemies.


"Nothing will prevent the tribe from sticking to its tough stand toward anyone abandoning its values. This tribe was one of the first to understand the dangers of the Zionist settlement scheme in the 1920s."


The tribe members concluded by saying that they denounce and condemn the appointment.


Walid Obeidat, a diplomat and consultant to the Hashemite kingdom's foreign ministry, is slated to replace Ali al-Ayed, who was recalled by Amman in early 2009 in protest of Operation Cast Lead.


Jordanian officials linked the decision to appoint a new ambassador to Egypt's decision to do the same.


Jordan's King Abdullah blasted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu several days ago. The London-based Arabic-language al-Hayat newspaper quoted Jordanian sources as saying that the king was unsatisfied with Netanyahu's conduct and viewed him as a "rightist rejecting the peace process."


Yonatan Gonen contributed to this report



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