Moshe Kahlon
Photo: Motti Kimchi

Carmel Shama-Hacohen
Photo: Gil Yohanan
Likud members were shocked by the retirement of popular Minister Moshe Kahlon, and are now trying every possible way to make him change his mind: MK Carmel Shama-Hachohen found an unconventional way to do so on Monday, by posting Kahlon's personal phone number on his Facebook wall.
"Text the word 'Comeback' to his personal phone," he urged via his Facebook status, fallowed by Kahlon's phone number, "100,000 text messages will make him change his mind."
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"Kahlon's charm lies with him being tuned in to people's emotions," said Shama, who is considered a close friend of the minister's. "Kahlon already received over 2,000 text messages within an hour of his announcement. I felt he was touched by these gestures, so I posted his number to make him truly feel the peoples' strong desire to keep him in the center of the political arena."
On interview with Ynet, the communications and social affairs minister kept the reasons for his decision ambiguous: "It's time to move on. What's all the fuss about? I held a fascinating office and got to do great things and that's it. I've had my term in office – I've been here 10-12 years – and now I'm done. That's the way it should be."
He stressed that "I've been telling everyone for years that I was going home at the end of this term. I guess people really don't believe politicians. I'm simply following through on my word."
But in spite of everything, Kahlon does not rule out the chance of a political comeback. "I said I was taking a break," he said, "I'm a man of politics, I love politics and I love the system. This break might take two, four or even twelve years; I did what I came here to do, and I am proud and satisfies of what I accomplished – it is now my time to move on. I leave politics refreshed and am planning on using the power in my hand in benefit of other things. I'm tired of the whole opposition-coalition game. I'm moving on."
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