
Arabs try to enter E1 outpost
Photo:Ohad Zwigenberg

Police block Palestinians' attempt to return to E1 outpost

West Bank Arabs try to return to tent encampment in disputed area following Sunday's evacuation; Israeli security forces block their path at entrance to main road

Dozens of Palestinians on Tuesday attempted to return to the Bab al-Shams outpost they recently erected in the disputed E1 area between Jerusalem and Ma'ale Adumim.


The Palestinians attempted to arrive at the site on foot, but Israeli security forces chased after them and managed to block them at the entrance to the main road leading to the site.


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The tent encampment was evacuated by Israeli security forces on Sunday, citing security concerns.  


Video: Eli Mendelboum    (צילום: אלי מנדלבאום)

Video: Eli Mendelboum


שליחה לחבר

 הקלידו את הקוד המוצג
תמונה חדשה

הסרטון נשלח לחברך


הטמעת הסרטון באתר שלך

 קוד להטמעה:

The area remains a closed military zone and the High Court of Justice has yet to rule on the legality of the outpost – as it remains unclear if the Palestinians pitched the tents on private or State-owned land. This is the reason the tents themselves have not been removed from the area.


A senior IDF Central Command officer said the army is gathering information about the Popular Committees, the group behind the initiative to erect the 30-tent Bab al-Shams outpost, in order to prevent "additional provocations."


The official said the Palestinians are operating in disputed areas in hopes of causing an uproar throughout the world.


Israel' announcement that it plans to expand construction in E1 drew harsh criticism from the US and Europe. The Palestinians claim that any Israeli building in the area will essentially split the West Bank in two and prevent the formation of a Palestinian state.


You can contact Elior Levy, Ynet's Palestinian Affairs Correspondent, at: [email protected]


Itamar Fleishman contributed to this report




פרסום ראשון: 01.15.13, 16:02
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