
12.4% don't want to sit next to haredi passengers
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Israelis want Peres as flight mate

Survey on in-flight habits reveals that 34% of Israelis don't want to sit next to mother with baby, 21% don’t want Arab passenger as their seat companion; Netanyahu least favored politician to fly with

So who would you like to sit next to on your next flight? A survey dealing with the Israeli passenger's in-flight habits reveals that President Shimon Peres is Israelis' favored seat mate (14.3%), followed by supermodel Bar Refaeli (11.9%).


The survey, which included a sample of 504 respondents over the age of 18, was conducted recently by the Daka 90 website, and examined Israeli passengers' vacation and flight habits.


But with all due respect to Peres and Refaeli, most passengers would rather just sit alone.

הפעם הוא המנצח. מעדיפים לטוס עם פרס ע"פ רפאלי (צילום: MCT, מארק ניימן, לע"מ)

Israelis favor Peres over Refaeli (Photos: MCT, Mark Neiman, GPO)


Asked, "Of the following options, who would you not want to sit next to on a very long flight (for example to Australia) under any circumstances?" The respondents' first choice was a mother with a baby (33.8%), followed by an Arab passenger (21.1%), an Orthodox Jew (12.4%) and an elderly person (8%).


9.4% want to visit North Korea

The survey also found that 59.2% of respondents have not vacationed abroad in the past year, and those who have been abroad booked their holiday on a tourism website. Thirty percent did not vacation in Israel in past year.


In the spirit of the recent elections, respondents were asked: "Which of the following politicians would you not want to sit next to on a long flight under any circumstances?"


Thirteen percent said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and 12% chose Labor Chairwoman Shelly Yachimovich.


Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert came in third as the least favored politician to fly with (10.6%), followed by Hatnua Chairwoman Tzipi Livni (8.7%), Defense Minister Ehud Barak (5.8%), and Yesh Atid Chairman Yair Lapid (4.7%).


The last question referred to the Israeli passenger's fantasy in regards to visiting a country which does not have diplomatic relations with Israel. Respondents were asked to mark the country they would like to fly to if it were possible.


North Korea came in first with 9.4% of responses, followed by Saudi Arabia (9.2%), Pakistan (9%), Yemen (8.1%), Libya and Syria (8% each), Iran (7.6%), Lebanon (6.6%), Algeria (4.3%), Afghanistan (2.7%) and Iraq (2.5%), while 43.7% of respondents don’t want to visit any of these countries.



פרסום ראשון: 03.07.13, 14:58
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