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Poll: Germany most popular nation; Israel in the bottom

BBC asks 26,000 people around the world to rate 16 countries and EU on whether their influence is mostly positive or mostly negative; Israel ranks 14th with only 21% positive rating

Germany is the most positively viewed nation in the world with a 59% positive rating, according to the BBC's Annual Ratings poll. Israel was ranked 14th in a poll that rated 16 countries and the European Union. Iran came in last as the most negatively viewed.


More than 26,000 people were surveyed internationally for the poll, which asked them to rate each country's influence in the world – choosing between "mainly positive" or "mainly negative".


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The survey was conducted for the BBC by GlobeScan and PIPA, who conducted face-to-face and telephone interviews with randomly selected people in 25 countries.


The ratings exclude the target country's rating of itself.


Only 21% of the people polled said Israel's influence was mainly positive. Fifty-two percent said it was mainly negative leaving Israel just above North Korea, Pakistan and Iran. Iran got a 15% positive rating and 59% negative rating.


The ranking:


  1. Germany
  2. Canada
  3. United Kingdom
  4. Japan
  5. France
  6. European Union
  7. Brazil
  8. United States
  9. China
  10. South Korea
  11. South Africa
  12. India
  13. Russia
  14. Israel
  15. North Korea
  16. Pakistan
  17. Iran


A three-point increase in Germany's average rating returned it to the top of the BBC list while the UK saw a bigger increase in positive ratings than any other country and climbed to third place in the table, in the wake of its hosting of the 2012 Olympics.


Positive views of the EU dropped to their lowest level in 2012 but have stabilised since, rising one point to 49% on average.



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